Microorganism Elimination Category:
This product can effectively eliminate pathogenic bacteria, with a long duration of efficacy.
Scope of Use:
Suitable for swimming pools, water parks, baths, SPAs, saunas, landscape water, etc.
Instructions for Use:
This product is a slow-release oxidizing disinfectant, with a pH (1% solution at 25℃) of 2.6-3.5. Disinfection should be carried out daily before opening the swimming pool, and the disinfectant should be added after the pool is closed or in the morning when no one is swimming, and the amount of disinfectant added can be adjusted according to the water quality.
It is recommended to use a solid dosing device for addition.
The use of 1 gram of this product per cubic meter of water can increase the effective chlorine concentration in the water by approximately 0.9ppm. For daily maintenance, use 1.1 grams per cubic meter of water per day; at the beginning of the swimming season or when algae appear in the water, use 4-6 grams per cubic meter of water. For foot pool disinfection, use 11 grams per cubic meter of water per day.
Use immediately after preparation.
This product is for external use as a disinfection tablet and should not be taken orally. Keep out of reach of children.
This product has a corrosive effect on metal, so use with caution.
Store this product in a cool, ventilated, and dry place.
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Website: www.achlor.com